by Dan Giesin | Nov 1, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Expert, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
For many skiers and boarders, the perfect way to end a day on the hill is with a cold one … or two. Most of those thirsty riders will head for the base lodge bar or a tavern down the road; others will forego the indoor niceties and simply tailgate in the parking lot....
by Dan Giesin | Oct 25, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Expert, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
When most folks think of skiing and snowboarding the big mountains of the West, their thoughts often drift to the Rocky Mountain highs of Colorado. With legendary — and world-renowned — resorts hills like Aspen, Vail and Telluride, it isn’t hard to conjure up images...
by Dan Giesin | Oct 20, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Expert, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
Skiing’s White Circus is setting up its tents in America this winter for an extended run. The World Cup Alpine ski circuit, which is the on-snow equivalent of Formula 1 car racing with all its attendant, speed, danger, glamour and hoopla, will, for the first time in...
by Jack McNary | Oct 14, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
Getting ready for a new year Can you feel it? Skiing is coming! At least on the Front Range, we had the first proper autumn-like days after a scorcher start to September, and the aspens are showing off. With that, it feels appropriate to start thinking about skiing...
by Dan Giesin | Oct 11, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Expert, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
It’s only early autumn in North America, and yet the lethal effects of avalanches have been topics of conversation around here lately. First, there was the general theatrical release of the award-winning film “Buried”, which documents the tragic events of an avalanche...
by Dan Giesin | Oct 4, 2022 | Beginner, Blog, Expert, Intermediate, Ski Industry News
It may come as no surprise to you that nearly three-quarters (74%) of the states that comprise the United States of America have some sort of uphill conveyance for skiers and snowboarders within their boundaries. Or that these Alpine playgrounds — more than 450 of...