
Corbet’s Couloir: Send It If You Dare

by Greg Colquitt | January 13, 2025

Ah, Corbet’s. Worthy of legendary status, this magnificent drop is Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s most famous run. Nary a conversation about Jackson Hole goes by without some mention of Corbet’s Couloir, or Corbet’s for short. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s your chance to get on the train to knowledge. Maybe you can even take this new information into the real world with a trip to take on, perhaps, the biggest drop of your life.

What on earth is Corbet’s Couloir?

Imagine a room full of candy and squishy things to play in, but the door to get in is a keyhole-sized slot that you have to somehow squeeze your body through without touching the walls that could otherwise inflict some serious serious damage. Got the image?

Corbet’s is a double black diamond-rated sliver of snow situated between two massive rock walls that is only accessible by a 60-degree slope or up to a 25-ish foot drop off a cliff, depending on the season. It’s a place where you prove your skills to yourself and a place where people from all angles can watch you either ride into glory or spend the next 45 seconds sliding 100+ feet down a mountain, losing every piece of equipment you’ve ever owned. Yes, you need to know what you’re doing to drop in, but once you’re in, you’re granted access to wide open turns and some of the best snow on the mountain. Remember that room full of candy? Not everyone gets in, so for those who can make it, the spoils are yours for the taking.

Where is Corbet’s Couloir?

Corbet’s is at the tippy top of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. To get there, hop on the iconic Aerial Tram for a 9-minute 4,139ft scenic ride to the very top of the mountain. On a clear day you’ll see sweeping views of town and the valley below. As you approach the top, Corbet’s will emerge out the left-side windows of the tram. Look for the gap to the right of the huge monolithic rock that forms the skiers-right wall of the Couloir. Don’t worry too much about not finding it, it is truly hard to miss. Although if you’re planning to ski it, maybe don’t look at it from this angle–it can look like an insurmountable sheer drop from the tram.

Once you’ve arrived at the top, take a second to breath in the crispy air and have a look around. There are very few places like this one on earth, so enjoy it. Besides, you’ll want the tranquility before heading to Corbet’s. Once you’re ready, head skier’s right (out the left side of the tram station) and follow the ski patrol boundary rope until you reach the entrance. Often you’ll find a small group of people who appear to be staring down into some kind of abyss without moving very much. If you see that, you’re in the right spot.

Dropping In

Now for the fun part. You’ll soon discover why everyone looks like they’re staring at the tips of their skis, and there’s ample reason to join them. You’ll take a peek over the edge and your stomach will be in knots. That’s normal. Even the best skiers get butterflies every time they look over the edge. Here’s the thing, though–you may feel butterflies, but if what you feel most is complete dread and you’re seriously doubting yourself, don’t do it. There is no shame in continuing on past to ski Rendezvous Bowl; it’s a classic run that can be loads of fun.

While Corbet’s is a sharp drop, there are a few different entrances depending on your skill and/or confidence. You’ll also want to remember that more snow = smaller drop. Generally speaking, taking on Corbet’s later in the year when snow has built up a bit will yield and easier entrance, but that’s not a guarantee. Seeing is truly believing, so you’ll just need to get out there and do your own research, as they say.

The “Easy” Route

There is no real easy route, but there is an easiest route. Like picking which pepper is the least spicy between a habanero, a ghost pepper, and a scorpion pepper, everything is going to burn. To the skier’s left you’ll find a goat path–just a ski-length’s wide strip of snow that gives you a chance to side-slip your way to a manageable spot, make one jump turn to the right, and then cruise your way through the rest of the much wider couloir below. Hesitation is not your friend here. Commit to your movements, or risk an impromptu audition for the human tumbleweed Olympics.

There is some good news, though–falling doesn’t mean your demise. Sure, you might slide a while or twist something uncomfortably, but you won’t plummet off a cliff. Do everyone a favor, though and be confident in your decisions. It makes you look better.

Every other route

Beyond the goat path, the entrance options range from “spicy” to “ghost-pepper challenge.” Give it a second and watch where other’s go so you can get a decent feel for the conditions. Throughout the season the state of Corbet’s will change dramatically–from deep pillowy pow to rock-hard cement. Remember: If you’re not 100% in the zone, don’t do it. Nobody wants to be the guy who shuts down the couloir because ski patrol had to scrape them off the rocks.

Kings and Queens of Corbet’s

Shoot for the stars and land somewhere near the moon, right? There is no greater on-mountain inspirational spectacle than the Kings and Queens of Corbet’s event held every year at Jackson Hole. Picture pros launching themselves into Corbet’s with backflips, spins, and stunts that defy logic. You don’t need to necessarily do a double back flip into the Couloir, but it’s fun to see what other people’s human bodies can do. Jackson Hole postponed last year’s event due to conditions, so 2025 is shaping up to be an all-gas-no-brakes showdown. If you’re in town, don’t miss it. If you’re not? YouTube it. Trust me.

Planning for Corbet’s

Corbet’s is legendary, but so is Jackson Hole as a whole. Don’t let your limited vacation time force you to take it on when the snow conditions and your body conditions aren’t firing on all cylinders. Need an excuse to extend your vacation? Try the classic cough cough “Sorry, boss, I’m so sick” move. 😏

By the way, planning a Jackson Hole adventure has never been easier. Why? Because there’s now a handy AI-powered chatbot on the resort’s homepage ready to help you map out your trip. Go ahead, ask it anything. You might just find yourself standing at the top of Corbet’s sooner than you think.


Where to find the chat bot

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